Registered Dietitian Functional Nutritionist

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How to Build a Better Smoothie


Nourishing your body doesn't have to be complicated, time consuming, or flavorless. Instead it can be simple, delicious and rewarding! And what better way to simplify things by making delicious smoothies that pack a nutritious punch!!

The thing I see most commonly in the smoothies I see at restaurants (like Jamba Juice) or even what I see my clients making when we first start working together is that they are all lacking protein and packed with sugar. 

Most smoothie places are great with their marketing. They show you all the fruits and vegetables they have packed into that tiny bottle, but it's not until you look at the back label that it is also packing 30-50+ grams of sugar too!

Wait, but this is natural sugar isn't it okay? Yes, the sugar is usually coming from some great foods like fruits and vegetables, however, that doesn't change the fact that it will spike your blood sugar and you'll be hungry again in 30 minutes.

One of the keys to making a smoothie that will be satisfying and keep you full for longer is to build one that will keep your blood sugar stable. In order to do that, you need to balance out all those carbohydrates with protein, fat, and fiber.

The most important thing to keep in mind when building a smoothie is that you want balance. Many smoothies are fruit and fruit juiced based, while there is nothing wrong with either of those if you have them alone that will spike your blood sugar and be a recipe for hanger and cravings not too long after. Think of building a smoothie similar to how you build a meal and it should keep you satisfied for 2-3+ hours!

My Hormone Friendly Smoothie Formula

Step 1: Pick your protein. Protein provides amino acids that are literally the building blocks of our body. You do not want to skip on your protein when it comes to a smoothie. Protein helps keep your blood sugar stable, build muscle (hello metabolism booster), and keeps you full longer.

If your smoothie is meant to be a meal, aim for 20-30+ grams. If a snack aiming for 10-20+ grams. Some great protein sources for your smoothie are greek yogurt, plain yogurt, protein powder, collagen, milk, or silken tofu.

Step 2: Find your fat. Fat is not to be feared! Like protein, fat is plays a vital role in keeping blood sugar stable which is a foundational piece of metabolic and hormonal health. While fat is important, it is also good to be aware it is a bit more calorie dense so being mindful of portions does matter.

For a meal, aim for 10-25 grams or just a snack, 5-15 grams. Great examples are your nut butters, avocado, whole milk, coconut milk, etc.

Step 3: Fill it up with fiber. Building a great base with high fiber fruits and vegetables will not only give your smoothie great texture it will also help to fill you up by added bulk and slowing down digestion. Adding color and variety with your fiber sources in your diet is beneficial for supporting a diverse gut microbota and keeping your gut happy and healthy. Oh and also, helps keep your blood sugar stable (do I sounds like a broken record yet?).

Aim for 6+ grams of fiber in each smoothie. A couple of my favorites are banana, mango, berries, peaches, cauliflower, spinach, chia seeds, or hemp seeds.

Step 4: Add in extra nutrients that pack a flavor boost! If you are working on your stress hormones or supporting detox you can add in things like fun things like cocoa powder, cinnamon, maca, spirulina, nutmeg etc.

Now I get that there might be some times when making a smoothie at home is not possible or you are out and about and the kids want smoothies, so let's talk about some ways you can make the best out of what is available to you.

Store bought:

  • Look at the nutrition label and opt for the lowest sugar option

  • Add some protein. Either by mixing in a scoop or packet of collagen or grabbing something to have with it. You could grab a couple hard boiled eggs, string cheese or Greek yogurt.

Restaurant/Fast food:

If you are getting it from a smoothie shop you may have a few more options available to you to make your smoothie better balanced:

  • Make sure it has some protein. Request to add protein powder or blend in some Greek yogurt.

  • If possible, boost with some fiber (I.e. add a vegetable or chia seeds)

  • If it is made with frozen yogurt or sorbet request for half or even leave it out. If available you can swap it out for a yogurt for less sugar and added protein.

I hope you found this information helpful! If you’d like to learn more about how to eat good food that will help you balance your hormones, feel more energetic, and be the healthiest, happiest version of you, I’d love to help.

Book a free call with me so we can discuss your personal needs and create a plan that works for you.

Haley Garelli